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Volunteer Application

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity of Ravalli County, you can drop by our office or download and print the Volunteer Application. Please mail completed applications to:  Habitat for Humanity, 131 Old Corvallis Road, Hamilton, MT 59840.

Once we receive your completed application, you will promptly be contacted by our Volunteer Coordinator.

Volunteer Committees

Faith Relations Committee - The faith relations committee will seek to strengthen the support of the affiliate’s work by gaining volunteers, prayer, and financial resources from all community churches. The faith relations committee will be the liaison between the affiliate and the faith community, facilitating communication and developing partnerships.

Site Selection Committee - This committee shall be responsible for targeting the areas or areas of the community in which the projects of the corporation shall be developed, investigating and researching the availability of property, and recommending property to the board of directors for acquisition. The committee shall work in conjunction with the building committee to evaluate the suitability of potential sites prior to acquisition.

Family Selection Committee- This committee shall be responsible for (i) drafting and updating the selection criteria and application forms (ii) recruiting applicants, screening applications, interviewing applicants, (iii) recommending applicants to the board of directors for approval as prospective homeowners.

Family Support Committee - This committee shall be responsible for providing Habitat homeowners and prospective homeowners with a mutual support system, educational opportunities, and a forum for discussions pertaining to homeownership and maintenance, all for the purpose of helping families to break the poverty cycle and become independent.

Finance Committee - The finance committee shall perform the functions described below, with input from and support of, the executive director.  The tasks to be directed by this committee shall include: (a) overseeing the implementation and administration of policies and procedures for handling and accounting for the finances, assets and endowments of the corporation to include Federal, State and local audits and filings; (b) working closely with the executive director preparing an annual revenue and expense budget for submission to the full board of directors, (c) working closely with the resource development committee to coordinate development of the resources needed to meet the revenue goals of the budget,  (d) monitoring the implementation of the budget; (e) when necessary, making recommendations to the board of directors regarding adjustments to the budget, and (f) strategic and long range planning functions; In performing this function, the committee shall: (i) coordinate the strategic and long range planning activities and (ii) monitor and evaluate the performance of the corporation with respect to the achievement of its mission, purposes and goals.

Marketing Committee - This committee shall be responsible for coordinating efforts of the corporation to educate and inform the public regarding the mission and purposes of the corporation, the need for better, and more, simple, decent and affordable housing and the steps being taken to meet this goal.  The tasks coordinated by this committee shall include public speaking, communicating with the news media as well as the design, placement and implementation of media campaigns under direction of the corporation’s executive director.

Resource Development Committee -  This committee shall be responsible for coordinating the raising of funds needed to conduct the business of the corporation. The tasks to be coordinated by the committee, in partnership with the full board, shall include fund-raising campaigns, grant proposal writing, special fund-raising events, and cultivation of major donors. This committee shall emphasize and promote the importance of Christian stewardship in the servicing of donors and supporters

There are many ways for you to get involved with Habitat for Humanity of Ravalli County. Please consider sharing your talents on one of our committees, working with us on a special project, volunteering at our building sites or at our ReStore.

If you are interested in joining our team please complete the form below and email to or contact us for more information 375-1926.

Our current home building project

Our current new home building project is located in Hamilton, MT. If you are interested in helping build at our partner family home, please register below. If you have any questions regarding the build please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 375-1926 or

Contact Information
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