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Homeownership Pre-Application

Home Ownership Pre-application

By completing the form below, you are submitting a pre-application for homeownership through Habitat for Humanity. Providing false information could cause you to not continue in the application process.

Please be sure to fill out all required fields. Once you submit your pre-application, our family selection committee will review your information then follow-up with you to determine the next step in the application process. This is a pre-screening and is NOT a final homeowner application.

How many people live in your household?
Please list the names, ages and genders of the people that will be living in the house.
What is your marital status?
What is your residency status?
Does your combined household income fall within the brackets below?
Have you lived or worked in Ravalli County for at least 12 month period in the past 3 years?
What is your annual household income before taxes (e.g., paycheck, child support, alimony, social security, disability, etc.)?
What are your monthly expenses? Include rent, credit cards, car payments, medical bills, insurnace, phone, utilities, child care?
Have you owned a home in the past three years?
Have you filed bankruptcy within the last 3 years?
Is your current housing overcrowded, physically substandard, too expensive or unsafe?
Have you had stable income for the past 12 months?
Have you had stable income for the past 12 months?
Do you certify and declare to the best of your knowledge and belief that the information you provided is true, accurate and complete?
I am willing to partner with Habitat. I will work the required hours of "sweat equity" building my home.

Download a Pre-Application

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